Monday, September 5, 2011

A tentative plan is still a plan. Communicate people!

I have been struggling with friends and men that I've been dating with the concept of a "tentative plan."  Yes, tentative plans are not solid plans, but they are STILL plans.  So when someone says to you, "Yeah, let's do something this weekend," or "I'd love to do that, I'll let you know." Why is it acceptable for them to NOT tell you?  Just because they didn't say, "yes, I'll be there a 100%?"  No, you're reserving that time, RSVP mother fucker!

A couple of years ago, a very passive aggressive fight started between me and one of my best friends over a concert in Central Park.  He said he wanted to go and would let me know.  The day of, I still hadn't heard from him.  I called and let him know that I didn't appreciate him blowing me off.  His argument was that he hadn't said that he was definitely coming.  Mine was that he partially committed to it, and was going to let me know and didn't, and that I'm not a fucking mind reader.  Make a phone call, please.