Sunday, August 30, 2009

On the road again...

    Well here I am again. On the road to lose weight. Yes, yes, as most people, I have started walking this road many times.... many, many times. Like most people, I found poorly routed detours, potholes that blew out my tires, and on many occasions I managed to get lost and end up back at the start. Once I actually made it all the way to my destination - Skinny Town. And it was lovely there! They had cute clothes, active lifestyles, and flirtatious boys. But then I got lazy and wasn't paying attention to where I was going. Somewhere along the way I made a wrong turn and couldn't find a place to turn around. Now, 4 years later, I'm back to the beginning of that road. But I am hell bound and determined to start my voyage again!

       On the road back, I had stopped at a place where I never wanted to be, not just with my weight, but emotionally about my weight. I started avoiding going out with my other single friends, because I didn't want to be the token FFF - Funny Fat Friend - and watch them have fun all night meeting people. I stopped going dancing, because I felt too fat to be at a club. I would avoid having my picture taken at all costs and under NO circumstances did I ever want to see myself in a picture. I spent a lot of time untagging myself in pictures on Facebook after any gathering of friends. And that's when I realized something... I was missing out on really great parts of my life because of all of these things and how I felt about myself. That's just not me no matter what size I am.
     Recently, I was greatly inspired by one of my student staff, Alma, who started Weight Watchers last year when she first started working for me and has now lost 70+ pounds. She looks amazing, but better yet, she has this incredible confidence in herself that she didn't have a year before. She's so pumped up about it and is even considering becoming a WW leader when she reaches her goal in 15 lbs (skinny bitch!). I'm so incredibly proud of her... and I thought, "Damn! I need to be proud of myself too!" So right then and there, I committed to myself that I would do this! And no matter how many detours or bumps in the road, I will find my direction and keep on the right road.

I decided to keep a blog about it for the following reasons:

1. Food & Cooking: I have been wanting to start a food blog for sometime - might as well be about this!

2. Accountability - nothing like a little public humiliation to get ya going!

3. Motivation - hopefully I will be motivated and inspired by my journaling, and people's comments

So... away we go!  I've decided to start on September 6, the day after one of my busiest days of the year.  I've got a week to prepare and arm myself.